Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Now here's a real shocker...
...& no one says a word. Is it any wonder "They" continue to shove it up our butts?
you morons...
...thought that everything was free?
Sunday, November 21, 2010
ya' think...!!!
Israeli Security Expert: U.S. Must Profile Passengers
As controversy swirls over the use of full-body scanners at U.S. airports, the former security director for Israel’s national airline says airline security in America is an “illusion” and the U.S. should profile passengers to ensure safety.Isaac Yeffet was security chief for El Al Israel Airlines, which requires every passenger to be interviewed by a well-trained agent before check-in. Agents then perform electronic body scans or searches only on those who arouse suspicions during the interview.
El Al is considered the most secure airline in the world, and has experienced only one hijacking in its history.
Yeffet told CNSNews that American airlines should use “exactly the same system” as El Al.“Yes, profiling,” he said. “Every passenger has to be interviewed by security. We have to be polite. We know how to ask questions.” The U.S. Transportation Safety Administration “wants to tell me we now have security in this country — this is an illusion,” Yeffet said. "Technology in general can never replace a qualified and well-trained human being.”
The El Al approach is in sharp contrast to procedures in America, which call for body scanning every passenger, and patting them down if they opt out of the scan or if something suspicious shows up on the images.
Yeffet said it is unnecessary to search “innocent people,” and security should instead focus on determining if a passenger is suspicious by intensively interviewing them. “We at El Al have used the hand/body search for so many years, but we did it only to suspicious passengers that were interviewed by us.”
Opponents of adopting El Al’s security approach in the United States say it would violate passengers’ civil rights by allowing some to be more intensely scrutinized than others, CNSNews reported.But Yeffet says the pre-flight interviews have enabled El Al to identify “the right people that are trying to blow up an aircraft or commit suicide.” -WND
Thursday, November 18, 2010
I believe we have an historic opportunity to end this needless harassment at airports because of the groundswell of public opinion that is with us.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told Americans this week the show would go on. She told us to endure the "inconvenience" and urged full compliance.
In other words, she doesn't get it. She has no clue as to the deep-seated resentment and anger Americans are feeling with regard to this program (w/ regard to our arrogant, overbearing government).
Let's write her a postcard & inform her she is NOT the boss, we are.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Debt Commission?
What the fuck - over?
You clowns act like this is all a big surprise!
"We the People..." told you all along "...do not spend like a bunch of drunken sailors...". There is a phrase for that kind of spending, which, even I, won't write here - but you know what it is.
...& chew on this asshole (“It’s time to lay it out on the table and let the American people start to chew on it,” said Alan K. Simpson). "We the People..." didn't want the drunken spending spree in the first fucking place & now - you arrogant fuck - have the temerity to say something like that? Somebody get a god-damn rope...!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
she's the only one...
...even talking about it!
The stupid "mob" doesn't know how the game's even played!!
Is it any wonder "They" keep shoving it up our collectively stupid ass?!!!
Monday, November 1, 2010
"James Madison, the father of our Constitution, who

delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal
government are few and defined. Those which are to
remain in the State governments are numerous and
indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on
external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and
foreign commerce. ... The powers reserved to the
several States will extend to all the objects which in
the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and
liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal
order, improvement and prosperity of the State.'"
--economist Walter E. Williams
Sunday, October 31, 2010
"Either this is just the end of a big election that rolls back a few important mistakes, but basically changes little besides who gets the good parking spaces and whose staffers get to cash in for a few years. Or this is the beginning a great reformation that will take America back for liberty. It's up to the people. We are so close. In 50 years in politics, I have never seen as large a percentage of the public self-motivated for reformation. For those of us who believe we are a providential country, now is the chance for the public to demonstrate it. --columnist Tony Blankley
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
A bit "over the top" for me, but so right on the money - or lack thereof.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
...if you tune-in here often enough, you know I would NEVER tell you how to vote. The only salient factor is vote. For whom is the least important. That said, do your homework & be very careful of where your vote goes. The Socialists MUST go, but don't just substitute one master for another; one clown for another. The freakin' Republicans have their own agenda - not the least of which is to control your personal life.
Think long & hard about whom you want to "lead" this nation - "lead" you!. Do you want more of the same? ...& the "same" is the crooks of various stripe that have been in office for the past 100+ years.
My personal position is to throw all the crooks out. Let's start fresh. Oh, I can hear you saying "...but they are people we don't know, etc." & that is correct. Do not get into the mind-set of "...better the devil we know, than..." for that is exactly the thinking that has keep these dolts in power for all this time. You would be correct to say "we don't know" what these new people are capable of. You are right. See? What we do know is what the New Royals are capable of & that is what we don't want. THAT is what must end. You are right again.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
another eMail...
". . . that said, I was finishing my run this morning & bumped into some friends & we got to talking politics - NOT my idea, mind you - & when you look anywhere & everywhere none of our policies make any god-damned sense what-so-ever. None. Zero. Nunca. Nada. None. So what is it that makes our policy makers so blind? Answer: money. That is it. The whole of it. Trying to make sense of the senseless is an exercise in futility. Until we stop - & I do mean stop x whatever means necessary - this hijacking of our country, our money, our rights, our everything so the few can get disgustingly rich(er) it will continue. To try to speak rationally on the subject is to miss the point. Anyone who looks for a moment will see it - the subject - as irrational. Why? It is because they've taken their collective eye off the prize. It is the money. And if that ugly boogie-man is never dragged from under the bed & into the light, the business of government shall continue as usual."
Friday, October 1, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
mother-fucking "media"...
...reports: "...the Commerce Department said that housing starts surged up by 10.5 percent to an annual rate of 598,000 in August from the revised July estimate of 541,000." But what they don't tell you it is for MULTI-FAMILY dwellings (read: "the barrio"; "the projects"; "the getto"!!!).
Once, just fucking ONCE, I wish the media would simply report - NOT SPIN - the facts...then again I write Santa every year.
Once, just fucking ONCE, I wish the media would simply report - NOT SPIN - the facts...then again I write Santa every year.
I've my own thoughts...
...on this particular issue - right K-man? - but this is pretty good!
Monday, September 20, 2010
conversation w/ a friend on the beach...
"...in Publix (local grocery chain) the old folks line up in the morning for free coffee...they wait in line for the little free food samples...every day...". Did you understand that? Do you truly understand the implications of that little snippet of conversation?
Our people - our very own people - are going hungry...especially the elderly. That fool at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue gives away billions - his inane predecessor was equally guilty - to anyone & everyone, but our own people are in such dire straights. Social Security - upon which many, many elderly solely rely - is NOT getting a simple "cost of living" adjustment for the next two years! Do you understand that? The SS fund has been raped x the arrogant clowns - who, x the way, do not pay into it. They have their own little "fund" - in the building next door. Aaaggghhh!!! ...& don't be griping about the old-farts either. They did NOT have a say in weather they did or did not have to pay into it. It - Social Security - is NOT an entitlement. Get that. Don't let those crooks in Congress tell you differently. That money was taken from each & every one of us every week of our lives. That is NOT government largess - an oxymoron in any event. No. That is our own money, but to hear the bloated monster we call gov't "it is a gift." That - SS -was suppose to be "untouchable", but those arrogant, venial thives in DC have been stealing from it for decades & now they tell us, "we" have to do something or it's going to be broke x 2032 or pick-a-date x whomever you read. I have a suggestion about what to do: "...get a rope...".
Our country is so off track, so fucking lost, it is beyond comprehension...especially for us that have been around long enough to remember a better - much - time.
I've said time & time again that if MLK were the only one trying to change the tide against blacks, they'd still be in the back of the bus. What is needed now is a political Malcolm X; a political H. Rap Brown; a political SLA - tho we all know that extremism to the point of murder is unacceptable. What is needed is some radicalism just this side of it. Someone has got to step up to the plate or this monstrosity we call a government will - "...will..."!? Now that in an understatement of unrivaled proportions! - continue to run roughshod over us all until there is nothing left but roadkill.
I'm sick of it all. Are you? Had enough? VOTE (Nov. 2) - not for an incumbent; not for a Democrat; not for a Republican, but one who has your values - your country's lost values - at heart. Read. Learn. Think for yourself. Do your homework. You MUST, you simply must or we're all lost...it'll be science fiction at its worst...& we're almost there folks. We're almost there.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
...I don't want to hear another word about the efficacy of Obama's new socialist regime.
...I had a great beach run; sat & watched the sunrise. I was feeling mellow x the time I returned to my truck. Then for some inexplicable reason I thought of Delaware & New York's voting results from Tuesday, which inevitably led me to Nancy Pelosi. In a moment - less than actually - I went from "wonderful morning" to that miserable, arrogant, ignorant bitch.
Man, I gotta' let this stuff go...
Monday, September 13, 2010
An eMail from a (female) friend:
fuck it i still live in america; i can say what i want. Nancy pelosi is a danger to our way of life and our constitution. i would never shoot her - i would never shoot anyone but that doesn't mean i don't wish she were gone. what a nightmare she is. I resent the fact that she breathes." (sic)
Monday, September 6, 2010
...I almost clicked out of this, but I'm glad I didn't!
Stick it out to the end.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
eMail from a friend...
Read & remember that last line.
"...most people prefer to believe that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker, but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all."
Sunday 09.05
NYT headline:
"Democrats plan political triage to retain the House."
An innocuous enough headline until you actually take the time to think it through. Those morons don't even give a passing thought to what is mandated x the voters - the people they actually work for (read: their bosses); the people whose will they are SUPPOSE to represent in their "job description." It's about staying on the gov't tit. They don't give a hoot about what may be right for the country - all they are about is keeping their jobs...& we don't even bat an eye when this kind of horseshit is jammed into our face. We are so use to being dismissed x the "Royals" that not even a murmur is to be heard...as I continue to bark at the moon.
"Democrats plan political triage to retain the House."
An innocuous enough headline until you actually take the time to think it through. Those morons don't even give a passing thought to what is mandated x the voters - the people they actually work for (read: their bosses); the people whose will they are SUPPOSE to represent in their "job description." It's about staying on the gov't tit. They don't give a hoot about what may be right for the country - all they are about is keeping their jobs...& we don't even bat an eye when this kind of horseshit is jammed into our face. We are so use to being dismissed x the "Royals" that not even a murmur is to be heard...as I continue to bark at the moon.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
no, no - it's all good...
...see? The bail-out is working.
"...don't worry, be happy."
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Get this fools...
...there is NO free lunch!
When are you clowns going to finally realize what is going on?
You're getting it up the butt & you simply let "them" do it to you!
What is the matter here? ...are you going to wait until it's too late?
No wait - it's already too late!!! ...far too late.
- & get this: I received from SocSec what my return will be. I didn't take SS when I was 62, I wanted to wait until I was 66. Well my yearly report told me simply that my return will be about $80.00 less than if I had been 66 the previous year. Surprised? Get ready folks. Someone - you & me - are going to have to cover our Exalted President's propensity to write bad checks. OMG! Shocking!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Why are terrorists suicidal?
Wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide? No Christmas, no television, no cheerleaders, no car races, no football, no soccer, no pork BBQ, no hot dogs, no burgers, no chocolate chip cookies, no lobster, no nachos, no beer nuts, no alcohol, ad infinitum!
Rags for clothes and towels for hats. Constant wailing from the guy next-door because he's sick and there are no doctors. Constant wailing from the guy in the tower. On your knees facing east most of the day. More than one wife. You can't shave. Your wives can't shave. You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel shit. Your bride is picked by someone else. She smells just like your donkey & is far uglier. Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!
I mean, really, is there a mystery here?
Rags for clothes and towels for hats. Constant wailing from the guy next-door because he's sick and there are no doctors. Constant wailing from the guy in the tower. On your knees facing east most of the day. More than one wife. You can't shave. Your wives can't shave. You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel shit. Your bride is picked by someone else. She smells just like your donkey & is far uglier. Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!
I mean, really, is there a mystery here?
Today is local election day...
...it is the time before "time" to line up your candidates for the Nov. 2 election.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Are we next?
W/ all this fuss over the revelations x WikiLeaks could we be next?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
On December 31 of this year...
...this is what you are going to be forced to endure:
"The tax hikes will hit every income level. The top bracket would rise from 35 percent to 39.6 percent; the 33 bracket will rise to 35; 28 will rise to 31; 25 will rise to 28; and the lowest bracket, 10 percent, will rise to 15 percent -- a 50 percent hike. Capital gains taxes will rise from 15 percent to 20 percent, and the tax on dividends will skyrocket to 39.6 percent, which is a far cry from the current 15 percent rate. The marriage penalty will return, and the child tax credit will be cut in half from $1,000 to $500."
Try not to forget this when the time comes around.
"The tax hikes will hit every income level. The top bracket would rise from 35 percent to 39.6 percent; the 33 bracket will rise to 35; 28 will rise to 31; 25 will rise to 28; and the lowest bracket, 10 percent, will rise to 15 percent -- a 50 percent hike. Capital gains taxes will rise from 15 percent to 20 percent, and the tax on dividends will skyrocket to 39.6 percent, which is a far cry from the current 15 percent rate. The marriage penalty will return, and the child tax credit will be cut in half from $1,000 to $500."
Try not to forget this when the time comes around.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
here ya' go...
...from the WSJ:
...& in the realm of "no-shit-sherlock?", I give you -
...& in the realm of "no-shit-sherlock?", I give you -
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
bet you didn't know...
Opinion in Brief
--columnist Daniel Henninger
Friday, July 16, 2010
This today from the "Old Gray Whore" (aka: NYT)
Do you morons out there actually KNOW what this means?
If you don't, take a moment & figure this out...
. . .
(paragraph 4): "Mr. Obama has done what he promised when he ran for office in 2008: he has used government as an instrument to try to narrow the gaps between the haves and the have-nots. He has injected $787 billion in (your) tax dollars into the economy, provided health coverage to 32 million uninsured and now, reordered the relationship among Washington, Wall Street, investors and consumers."
. . .
If you don't, take a moment & figure this out...
. . .
(paragraph 4): "Mr. Obama has done what he promised when he ran for office in 2008: he has used government as an instrument to try to narrow the gaps between the haves and the have-nots. He has injected $787 billion in (your) tax dollars into the economy, provided health coverage to 32 million uninsured and now, reordered the relationship among Washington, Wall Street, investors and consumers."
. . .
Monday, July 12, 2010
Whatever this may mean:
Yesterday - Sunday - I "raced" w/ a kid - engineer - that was on his way back to the ships drilling the parallel wells to relieve the pressure on BP's "Deepwater Horizon" fiasco. He assured me that it WILL work...& he's not an apologist for BP - if anything he thought they should be sued out of business. That being said, I guess we'll have to wait until the end of August to see.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
...farewell address - & remember who this man was. He was the 5-Star General - the Supreme Allied Commander - who defeated Hitler. ...& all those crooks in Washington are EXACTLY those - or owned x those - he warned against. Today's generation has been anesthetized to it all. My only hope is - as a wise man once told me "...worse is better...".
I think that at least some of us are beginning to stir.
I think that at least some of us are beginning to stir.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
...are so removed from the common-man that "they" don't realize that "We the People..." are reaching the end of our endurance.
Happy 4th of July!!!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Friday, July 2, 2010
Again, please excuse my stupidity.
Will someone please explain this to me?
Typical double-speak from the "Old Grey Whore".
"The United States added just 83,000 private-sector jobs in June, a dishearteningly low number that could add to the growing number of economists who warn that the economic recovery has slowed to the point that it cannot generate enough job growth.
Over all, the nation lost 125,000 jobs, according to the monthly snapshot of the job market released by the Labor Department on Friday. ... "
Typical double-speak from the "Old Grey Whore".
"The United States added just 83,000 private-sector jobs in June, a dishearteningly low number that could add to the growing number of economists who warn that the economic recovery has slowed to the point that it cannot generate enough job growth.
Over all, the nation lost 125,000 jobs, according to the monthly snapshot of the job market released by the Labor Department on Friday. ... "
4th of July Eve
I've been silent on the McDonald decision. I figured you should mull that one over for yourself a bit before I weigh in. Think for yourself...for a change. Don't "knee-jerk" your reaction, either pro or con. Think. Get in the habit. "...try it, you'll like it."
Hubris Maximus!
...by the Constitution & the will of the people?
Arrogance personified.
Arrogance personified.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Obama (Deomcratic) Strategy (aka: Cloward/Piven c. 1966)
This cannot sit well w/ any of you, no matter how "left" you are.
The "why" of it:
In a nutshell:
"... The ultimate objective of this strategy—to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income—will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income."
The "why" of it:
In a nutshell:
"... The ultimate objective of this strategy—to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income—will be questioned by some. Because the ideal of individual social and economic mobility has deep roots, even activists seem reluctant to call for national programs to eliminate poverty by the outright redistribution of income."
Friday, June 18, 2010
Editorial Whine...
"...land of the free & home of the brave."
Land of the free? Huh? America has become the land of the rules - & the crooks in DC - along w/ your local elite - rule. There are rules in this country for every facet or your life. From the birth-canal to the hole in the ground...from your bed to your bed. Everything is regulated. Everything. No? Try driving w/o a seat-belt...try to change your HMO...try to talk to a human (in the US) for any "Help Line"...try to take all your money out of your bank (& why is it WalMart can clear your check in 3-5 seconds & it takes your bank 3-5 days? We all know the answer to that, but what does that tell you?) Everything is controlled - & here's a little something that we seem to overlook - nothing works. The "Controllers" have no idea what they are doing - nor do they care. They just want to have control. The "Fixers" screw up everything they touch in their headlong rush to "fix" everything & nothing gets "fixed".
All that being said, have you ever thought of (a) the mentality of people who want to be in control? (b) why do we allow someone - anyone - else tell us what we can & cannot do? "...home of the brave."?
Land of the free? Huh? America has become the land of the rules - & the crooks in DC - along w/ your local elite - rule. There are rules in this country for every facet or your life. From the birth-canal to the hole in the ground...from your bed to your bed. Everything is regulated. Everything. No? Try driving w/o a seat-belt...try to change your HMO...try to talk to a human (in the US) for any "Help Line"...try to take all your money out of your bank (& why is it WalMart can clear your check in 3-5 seconds & it takes your bank 3-5 days? We all know the answer to that, but what does that tell you?) Everything is controlled - & here's a little something that we seem to overlook - nothing works. The "Controllers" have no idea what they are doing - nor do they care. They just want to have control. The "Fixers" screw up everything they touch in their headlong rush to "fix" everything & nothing gets "fixed".
All that being said, have you ever thought of (a) the mentality of people who want to be in control? (b) why do we allow someone - anyone - else tell us what we can & cannot do? "...home of the brave."?
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
lightning strike...
...on Saturday blew out my battery-backup, all my phones & all my modems - but I'm back! Lucky you!!!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
...ya' think?
What is it going to take to make everyone realize that the government - any government - can't "fix" anything? "No" you say? "This guy babbling on his site is a dinosaur." Well maybe, but I can still see w/ my own eyes & don't need anyone to translate for me. Can't you see that nothing works any longer? ...& the more the "fixers" work on the "fix" the worse things become? Have you all been so bred to the yoke that you simply refuse to look up? Are you all so scared of making your own decisions? Jeeze...
The guys who founded this country saw the future & did everything in their power to warn us & give us the tools to NOT allow this to happen. What is wrong here? What-is-wrong-here? We are suppose to be a Republic - governed x laws (i.e. The Constitution) - but we continually allow ourselves to be raped & oppressed x the crooks. What is wrong here, people? ...sheeple?
Friday, June 4, 2010
You gotta' love...
...it (& about time someone actually stood up to the "Politically Correct" BS that has hi-jacked common sense)!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
The stupidity...
...continues beyond comprehension.
Look, war sucks - I know, I've been there - but if you're gonna' do it...do it. As an old girlfriend use to say, "...if you pull down your pants, you had better have a hard-on!" ...lovely girl, actually.
Look, war sucks - I know, I've been there - but if you're gonna' do it...do it. As an old girlfriend use to say, "...if you pull down your pants, you had better have a hard-on!" ...lovely girl, actually.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
Speaking of commodities markets...
...why is oil below $70 & we're paying close to $3.00 / gal.?
I for one, am tired of being bent-over.
I for one, am tired of being bent-over.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
If the US tried to get into the EEU...
...we'd be turned down! The Maastricht Treaty states that the National Debt must be NO MORE than 60% of that country's GDP. So les'see now, we're in debt to the tune of somewhere between $13 & 18T USD - depending on your source it can be as high as $21T!!!. So let's take the minimum $13T as our National Debt. The GDP for 2009 was $11.8T so let's round-up to $12T.
With me so far?
Let's crunch the numbers: we are $1T in the red w/ THE most conservative of numbers...so we're about 8% shy of even parity. Our ratio (debt to output) is 1.08 GDP or 108% of our total domestic output. Greece was only 104% & see what happened to them?...& all you O'bama-ites continue to follow the pied-piper.
The cliff looms...but please don't look up.
It'll be easier this way...
With me so far?
Let's crunch the numbers: we are $1T in the red w/ THE most conservative of numbers...so we're about 8% shy of even parity. Our ratio (debt to output) is 1.08 GDP or 108% of our total domestic output. Greece was only 104% & see what happened to them?...& all you O'bama-ites continue to follow the pied-piper.
The cliff looms...but please don't look up.
It'll be easier this way...
Hey Barack...
...listen up:
"What we're seeing in Greece is the death spiral of the welfare state. This isn't Greece's problem alone, and that's why its crisis has rattled global stock markets and threatens economic recovery. Virtually every advanced nation, including the United States, faces the same prospect. Aging populations have been promised huge health and retirement benefits, which countries haven't fully covered with taxes. The reckoning has arrived in Greece, but it awaits most wealthy societies." --columnist Robert J. Samuelson
"What we're seeing in Greece is the death spiral of the welfare state. This isn't Greece's problem alone, and that's why its crisis has rattled global stock markets and threatens economic recovery. Virtually every advanced nation, including the United States, faces the same prospect. Aging populations have been promised huge health and retirement benefits, which countries haven't fully covered with taxes. The reckoning has arrived in Greece, but it awaits most wealthy societies." --columnist Robert J. Samuelson
A modest proposal...
Is it time to ban all cleavers? Just think if a teacher or one of those children had his own cleaver - what mayhem might have been avoided! (Apologies to Jonathan Swift)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
I'm NOT...
...a flag-waver in the conventional sense, nor am I particularly pro-war (especially since the bureaucrats initiate it, then not allow our people to do what is necessary as they - the Fat-cats - get rich & our soldiers get dead), but watch this until the end.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Un-ambiguous "Idiot Speak"...
...from today's NYT:
"Payrolls surged with an unexpectedly strong 290,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department reported on Friday, while the unemployment rate rose to 9.9 percent. “This is unambiguously a strong report for growth implications,” James O’Sullivan, chief economist at MF Global, said. “It adds to the evidence that the pickup in growth is leading to a clear-cut pickup in employment. It is very clear there has been a bounce here, and momentum has been up.”
...& the "...hits keep on comin' ..."
What will tomorrow's spin (a.k.a. lie) be?
"Payrolls surged with an unexpectedly strong 290,000 jobs last month, the Labor Department reported on Friday, while the unemployment rate rose to 9.9 percent. “This is unambiguously a strong report for growth implications,” James O’Sullivan, chief economist at MF Global, said. “It adds to the evidence that the pickup in growth is leading to a clear-cut pickup in employment. It is very clear there has been a bounce here, and momentum has been up.”
...& the "...hits keep on comin' ..."
What will tomorrow's spin (a.k.a. lie) be?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The "Grand Illusion"...
"Until now we've borrowed from Communist China and Japan to cover the big-spending bar tab of our power-drunk politicians. But now both China and Japan have growing economic problems of their own - and growing doubts about our ability to repay them with uninflated dollars.
Our ruling party and its media allies claim the economy and jobs are growing. They've poured nearly $1.5 trillion dollars of stimulus into the economy and are set to spend another Trillion before the November elections to create the grand illusion of a recovery.
So far this sky-high spending has created scarcely 2-3% growth and jobs largely in government, including tens of thousands of temporary jobs taking the Census.
The ruling party will pretend that printing trillions of dollars to cover our debt won't destroy the value of the dollar through inflation. A presidential commission days after the election will announce ideas for massive new taxes to suck more dollars out of your pockets." -World Net Daily
"Until now we've borrowed from Communist China and Japan to cover the big-spending bar tab of our power-drunk politicians. But now both China and Japan have growing economic problems of their own - and growing doubts about our ability to repay them with uninflated dollars.
Our ruling party and its media allies claim the economy and jobs are growing. They've poured nearly $1.5 trillion dollars of stimulus into the economy and are set to spend another Trillion before the November elections to create the grand illusion of a recovery.
So far this sky-high spending has created scarcely 2-3% growth and jobs largely in government, including tens of thousands of temporary jobs taking the Census.
The ruling party will pretend that printing trillions of dollars to cover our debt won't destroy the value of the dollar through inflation. A presidential commission days after the election will announce ideas for massive new taxes to suck more dollars out of your pockets." -World Net Daily
Stars & Bars
Look, I am well aware that a segment of the population see this as an affront - & I am no fan of what this symbolizes to some - but when is this "Political Correctness" bullshit going to become tempered w/ some sanity?
Monday, May 3, 2010
Friday, April 30, 2010
35 years ago today...
God-damned DC Fat-Cats...I suppose things really never change.
If memory serves: 58,254 dead.
For what?
If memory serves: 58,254 dead.
For what?
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Can you imagine...
...Europe is having privacy concerns about the U.S! If that doesn't tell you all you really need to know, you must be brain-dead . . . or like almost half the nation: in denial.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
...got off the phone w/ a supposed intellegent friend of mine & he was waxing on about "...see? The gov't is on the job! They're taking the G-S thing very seriously..."
"Oh?" sez?
"Yes definitely" sez he.
"Well,' sez I, 'why is it then, this "grand suit" is civil & not criminal"?
"...aaah..." sez he.
Hey "out there": "They" are merely throwing the rabble a crumb. What don't you get? Goldman-Sachs thru Sec. of the Treasury Hank Paulson (G-S butt-boy) eliminated all their competitors & stole, as in: "...no transparency...no judicial review..." probably $350B+. I say "probably" because we'll never know...of YOUR money! What must I say to you that will make you finally understand the Gov't doesn't have a dime? It is YOUR money...YOUR MONEY!!! ...& what if a judgment comes in against them? Whose money will they use to pay it off? So what if they get fined $100M or $100B? Do the math fools! The arrogance. The hubris. The duplicity. The outright theft...& you continue to mill about wondering what's going on. Ever go to a slaughter-house?
"Oh?" sez?
"Yes definitely" sez he.
"Well,' sez I, 'why is it then, this "grand suit" is civil & not criminal"?
"...aaah..." sez he.
Hey "out there": "They" are merely throwing the rabble a crumb. What don't you get? Goldman-Sachs thru Sec. of the Treasury Hank Paulson (G-S butt-boy) eliminated all their competitors & stole, as in: "...no transparency...no judicial review..." probably $350B+. I say "probably" because we'll never know...of YOUR money! What must I say to you that will make you finally understand the Gov't doesn't have a dime? It is YOUR money...YOUR MONEY!!! ...& what if a judgment comes in against them? Whose money will they use to pay it off? So what if they get fined $100M or $100B? Do the math fools! The arrogance. The hubris. The duplicity. The outright theft...& you continue to mill about wondering what's going on. Ever go to a slaughter-house?
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
more Goldman-Sachs crap...
Do you think anything will come of this?
"...well do ya' punk?"
...& here's a big surprise:
"...well do ya' punk?"
...& here's a big surprise:
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Will someone...
...please explain to me what the morons are saying as opposed what they are doing? It is getting closer to November, but do they think this kind of blather will have ANY effect on what we've seen this last year & half? "We the People..." do indeed have a short attention / retention span, but PLEASE...do "They" have that little respect for our intelligence? Rhetorical - as we all know that "They" have zero respect for us...their employers.
ps Happy April 15 - Federal Theft Day
ps Happy April 15 - Federal Theft Day
Friday, April 9, 2010
I just found out...
...that one of my best political allies does NOT vote!
Are you kidding me?
Talk about ZERO credibility...
How many other "posers" are there out there?
I mean - are you firiggin' shittin' me???
One man; one vote; one four year license to gripe.
Are you kidding me?
Talk about ZERO credibility...
How many other "posers" are there out there?
I mean - are you firiggin' shittin' me???
One man; one vote; one four year license to gripe.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
...and the dance begins!
All you yahoo's thought the gov't was actually going to GIVE you something?
Well maybe, but not if you speak Inglish!!!
Well maybe, but not if you speak Inglish!!!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Employment #'s:
I've yet to check, but it's somewhere - according to "them" - 165,000 + new jobs created, but unemployment holds steady at 9.7%. How the hell is that? Think the numbers have been "massaged"?
(edit) I've found the newest data: 162,000 jobs & unemployment at 9.7% - & do take into consideration about 50,000 of those were census takers...but even then I don't know what country the stat-people are living in, but we folks here on the street are not convinced that the economy is on the rebound. Time will tell, but I do see a major "reckoning" coming due soon. Time for the Gov't to "put-up or shut-up." All this "feel good news" will NOT pay your bills.
The Gov't of these United States is a lying bunch of crooks that are bleeding you, me - all of us - dry. What is going to happen? It is patently obvious that there is very little chance of it - the Gov't - fixing itself. So again I ask you: what do you see happening?
(edit) I've found the newest data: 162,000 jobs & unemployment at 9.7% - & do take into consideration about 50,000 of those were census takers...but even then I don't know what country the stat-people are living in, but we folks here on the street are not convinced that the economy is on the rebound. Time will tell, but I do see a major "reckoning" coming due soon. Time for the Gov't to "put-up or shut-up." All this "feel good news" will NOT pay your bills.
The Gov't of these United States is a lying bunch of crooks that are bleeding you, me - all of us - dry. What is going to happen? It is patently obvious that there is very little chance of it - the Gov't - fixing itself. So again I ask you: what do you see happening?
Thursday, April 1, 2010
it SEEMS...
...that I've de-hacked this site.
We'll see.
Question: who would give enough of a crap to hack this site?
We'll see.
Question: who would give enough of a crap to hack this site?
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
ok, now I'm really pissed...
...first I get "hacked" & now this. If this doesn't wake you up this morning - roll over - you're dead.
...& do note how "They" call Social Security "entitlements". Do you think the gov't is giving you this out of their largess? YOU PAID FOR THIS FOR YOURSELF EACH & EVERY PAYCHECK!!! You had NO say in the matter. If these creeps take your money this time we old-timers have got to do something!
ps...remember those assholes in Congress do NOT pay into Social Security.
...& do note how "They" call Social Security "entitlements". Do you think the gov't is giving you this out of their largess? YOU PAID FOR THIS FOR YOURSELF EACH & EVERY PAYCHECK!!! You had NO say in the matter. If these creeps take your money this time we old-timers have got to do something!
ps...remember those assholes in Congress do NOT pay into Social Security.
Monday, March 29, 2010
If you've been here before you know what has happened here.
Why bother? This site isn't even worth most people's time, much less someone's effort!
Ya' gotta' love all this "crap", no?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
This guy...
...has it exactly right.
Take the 4 min. & read it.
The only problem I can see w/ any of it is we're going to have to grow some "stones" to "...just say no."
EXCERPT: "I've been saying for years that politicians don't mind protests, movements, elections, petitions, demonstrations, or any other "political action," except when the legitimacy of their rule is questioned. In other words, as long as the "national discussion" consists of the masses asking their masters in "government" for freedom, the masters are in no trouble. When the masses stop asking, and start disobeying, that is when the politicians are doomed. And we are seeing more signs of that now. And as a result, the desperate American tyrants are trying to paint everyone who questions "government" as a terrorist--a tactic which is already back-firing."
"It is utterly impossible to control, by brute force alone, 300,000,000 people (especially when a third of them are armed). Only by convincing the masses that they should be controlled, and that they have an obligation to obey(!!!) "government," can tyrants succeed."
Take the 4 min. & read it.
The only problem I can see w/ any of it is we're going to have to grow some "stones" to "...just say no."
"It is utterly impossible to control, by brute force alone, 300,000,000 people (especially when a third of them are armed). Only by convincing the masses that they should be controlled, and that they have an obligation to obey(!!!) "government," can tyrants succeed."
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
"Idaho requires its attorney general to sue the feds if ObamaCare passes while Virginia, the cradle of liberty, heads the line of states in front of the federal courtroom. Somewhere Patrick Henry is smiling. As the second coming of King George III seeks to impose the leftist mandate of national health insurance on the unwilling American people, the states are once again in revolt.
Is this what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they risked being hanged by the British crown because they said we shouldn't be taxed without representation? Well, we have representation, and they care not about the people they represent.
--Investor's Business Daily
Is this what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they risked being hanged by the British crown because they said we shouldn't be taxed without representation? Well, we have representation, and they care not about the people they represent.
--Investor's Business Daily
Monday, March 22, 2010
Next up:
Amnesty & Social Security - mark my words.
Where is the line to be drawn?
ps...the upcoming inevitable hyper-inflation will make the Wiemar Republic look like a Club Med vacation.
...late last night we got - how do you say it in German...oh yes, fucked.
It now remains to be seen if the states will do as they threatened & tie this "thing" up in limbo for the foreseeable future or is it "game over"?
Oh, be aware that the next "thing" on the Socialists agenda is to give amnesty to 20 to 30 million illegals...how else do these fools in DC expect to be re-elected in November? Watch & learn.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
It's Sunday 11:59 am...
...& today's the day.
It'll be interesting to see how the vote - or non-vote - on ObamaCare shakes out.
Stay tuned.
Friday, March 19, 2010
...I wish I'd written this:
Thursday, March 18, 2010
I just got off the phone...
...w/ a friend of mine who told me a little story that has e/affected me considerably.
- A worker is now homeless as he had to make a choice of saving his house or paying his son's college tuition. He chose his son's education.
With all the money stolen from us (OUR money...never forget that) x the Goldman-Sach's & AIG's - w/ our government as intermediary - of the world, this man is having his house foreclosed because he simply can't afford both.
That is an outrage. This continued rape of this country cannot be allowed to stand. Someone, somewhere must finally say "no more".
I wish it were me.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My first...
..."Tweet" (I may puke) FWD from my brother:
From: @SarahPalinUSA
Sent: Mar 16, 2010 18:36
Brought to Pelosi's attention that her Obamacare "process" is unconstitutional,she replies: "But I like it." This takes America's breath away
sent via OpenBeak
On Twitter: http://twitter.com/SarahPalinUSA/status/10581929351
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Do any of you really comprehend what this means to each & every one of us? Do you really? The financial burden; the complete disregard of the Constitution - thru some bullshit political-hokum; the unmitigated hubris of the Speaker in particular & the entire Congress in general; the arrogance of the President...
Do you know what the "Slaughter Rule" is? ...reconciliation?
Here you go:
Slaughter Rule: The Slaughter Rule -- named for House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) who proposed it -- would allow the Senate health bill to be incorporated into the Rule for the reconciliation bill coming out of the Senate. If members vote to pass this Rule they, in effect, pass the Senate health care bill without actually voting on it -- they instead vote on the reconciliation package.
Reconciliation Bill: a legislative process of the United States Senate intended to allow consideration of a contentious budget bill
(did you get that? "...budget bill..."; NOT a major policy bill. Again, did you get that: NOT a major policy bill.)
without the threat of filibuster. Introduced in 1974, reconciliation streamlines the debate and amendment process. Reconciliation also exists in the United States House of Representatives, but because the House regularly passes rules that constrain debate and amendment, the process has had a less significant impact on that body. (...it - reconciliation - is to bring the debt-limit into conformity with the budget resolution. That is all. That was why it was created in '74(?). That was it's purpose, but it is now being whored to allow those arrogant pricks in DC to do whatever they please & the Constitution be damned!)
If we don't "broom" the lot of 'em in November, we deserve what they are crammin' down our necks!
From: @SarahPalinUSA
Sent: Mar 16, 2010 18:36
Brought to Pelosi's attention that her Obamacare "process" is unconstitutional,she replies: "But I like it." This takes America's breath away
sent via OpenBeak
On Twitter: http://twitter.com/SarahPalinUSA/status/10581929351
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Do any of you really comprehend what this means to each & every one of us? Do you really? The financial burden; the complete disregard of the Constitution - thru some bullshit political-hokum; the unmitigated hubris of the Speaker in particular & the entire Congress in general; the arrogance of the President...
Do you know what the "Slaughter Rule" is? ...reconciliation?
Here you go:
Slaughter Rule: The Slaughter Rule -- named for House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) who proposed it -- would allow the Senate health bill to be incorporated into the Rule for the reconciliation bill coming out of the Senate. If members vote to pass this Rule they, in effect, pass the Senate health care bill without actually voting on it -- they instead vote on the reconciliation package.
Reconciliation Bill: a legislative process of the United States Senate intended to allow consideration of a contentious budget bill
(did you get that? "...budget bill..."; NOT a major policy bill. Again, did you get that: NOT a major policy bill.)
without the threat of filibuster. Introduced in 1974, reconciliation streamlines the debate and amendment process. Reconciliation also exists in the United States House of Representatives, but because the House regularly passes rules that constrain debate and amendment, the process has had a less significant impact on that body. (...it - reconciliation - is to bring the debt-limit into conformity with the budget resolution. That is all. That was why it was created in '74(?). That was it's purpose, but it is now being whored to allow those arrogant pricks in DC to do whatever they please & the Constitution be damned!)
If we don't "broom" the lot of 'em in November, we deserve what they are crammin' down our necks!
Monday, March 15, 2010
...someone please explain to me how this mentis-incompetentis has a job, much less one of such monumental import at this time in our history? Please...I need some help here!
"[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."
--House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ...confirming that too much Botox does indeed kill brain cells
"[W]e have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."
--House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) ...confirming that too much Botox does indeed kill brain cells
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Get this...
...Mr. & Ms Run-of-the-Mill-America:
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
pretty cool...
...but don't forget how many nukes these guys have!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
...x popular demand - mine - I've returned. The political scene is slow right now...probably because the District of Crooks've realized that the rumble they are hearing is a tidal wave that SEEMS destined to overwhelm them & have decided to stay outta' the spotlight - good deer sense. We'll see. For now I'll just cruise along & if anything comes up of which you should be aware I'll get on it, but until then I'll just be messing around w/ the "Babe of the Day", jokes, film clips, etc. Hopefully that'll keep you entertained until something important surfaces.
ps glad to be back!
ps glad to be back!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
i am humbled
The Senate has lost it's "Super Majority"!!!
I've been wrong about so much...& I couldn't be happier!
The electorate is NOT asleep.
All is NOT lost.
The future is NOT as doomed as had I thought.
A friend of mine told me this (Mass. Senate seat) election could be a seminal event in American politics. I thought differently. I thought wrong. I don't need to tell you the portent of this election's outcome. You know. You know.
Sooo, I've . . .

. . . see you when / if needed!
I've been wrong about so much...& I couldn't be happier!
The electorate is NOT asleep.
All is NOT lost.
The future is NOT as doomed as had I thought.
A friend of mine told me this (Mass. Senate seat) election could be a seminal event in American politics. I thought differently. I thought wrong. I don't need to tell you the portent of this election's outcome. You know. You know.
Sooo, I've . . .

. . . see you when / if needed!
Friday, January 8, 2010
& you morons...
...continue to think the economy is turning around. Fools. You wonder why the "Royals" have no respect for you when it is so patently obvious that you can't even read & think for yourselves? 2+2 does actually equal 4!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Sorry I lied...
...but I just can't seem to get back into the "swing" of things. This about to be passed Health Care Thing has me undone. I simply cannot believe - even w/ the rampant hubris on Capitol Hill - that "We the People..." are simply dismissed...tho I shouldn't be all that surprised because it happened before in October of '08. Still, I am.
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