Thursday, October 14, 2010



...if you tune-in here often enough, you know I would NEVER tell you how to vote. The only salient factor is vote. For whom is the least important. That said, do your homework & be very careful of where your vote goes. The Socialists MUST go, but don't just substitute one master for another; one clown for another. The freakin' Republicans have their own agenda - not the least of which is to control your personal life.

Think long & hard about whom you want to "lead" this nation - "lead" you!. Do you want more of the same? ...& the "same" is the crooks of various stripe that have been in office for the past 100+ years. 

My personal position is to throw all the crooks out. Let's start fresh. Oh, I can hear you saying "...but they are people we don't know, etc." & that is correct. Do not get into the mind-set of "...better the devil we know, than..." for that is exactly the thinking that has keep these dolts in power for all this time. You would be correct to say "we don't know" what these new people are capable of. You are right. See? What we do know is what the New Royals are capable of & that is what we don't want. THAT is what must end. You are right again.

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