Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My first...

..."Tweet" (I may puke) FWD from my brother:

From: @SarahPalinUSA
Sent: Mar 16, 2010 18:36

Brought to Pelosi's attention that her Obamacare "process" is unconstitutional,she replies: "But I like it." This takes America's breath away

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On Twitter:
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Do any of you really comprehend what this means to each & every one of us? Do you really? The financial burden; the complete disregard of the Constitution - thru some bullshit political-hokum; the unmitigated hubris of the Speaker in particular & the entire Congress in general; the arrogance of the President...

Do you know what the "Slaughter Rule" is? ...reconciliation?
Here you go:

Slaughter Rule: The Slaughter Rule -- named for House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) who proposed it -- would allow the Senate health bill to be incorporated into the Rule for the reconciliation bill coming out of the Senate. If members vote to pass this Rule they, in effect, pass the Senate health care bill without actually voting on it -- they instead vote on the reconciliation package.

Reconciliation Bill: a legislative process of the United States Senate intended to allow consideration of a contentious budget bill

(did you get that? "...budget bill..."; NOT a major policy bill. Again, did you get that: NOT a major policy bill.)

without the threat of filibuster. Introduced in 1974, reconciliation streamlines the debate and amendment process. Reconciliation also exists in the United States House of Representatives, but because the House regularly passes rules that constrain debate and amendment, the process has had a less significant impact on that body. ( - reconciliation - is to bring the debt-limit into conformity with the budget resolution. That is all. That was why it was created in '74(?). That was it's purpose, but it is now being whored to allow those arrogant pricks in DC to do whatever they please & the Constitution be damned!)

If we don't "broom" the lot of 'em in November, we deserve what they are crammin' down our necks!


Anonymous said...

Yes. Just another way for politicians to vote in something they want ( believe in ? Maybe?) without having to tell their constituents voted for it. Its been done before with non-budget items- However nothing this big.

Anonymous said...

Unconstitutional how? Give me an article and section. And please- not about "no representation". This thing has been debated by all sides ad-nauseum...And don't tell me about polls- for every one showing little support, there are three that support its main objectives and constructs.

The Pheasant said...

to Anon.#1 - & somehow this is ok w/ you?

The Pheasant said...

to Anon.#2 - it is not "Unconstitutional", actually. It is the bastardization of the rule...& to you politics-as-usual is ok? See, that is exactly the philosophy that allows this abuse to continue...& I'll tell you anything I damn well please, D.