Saturday, March 27, 2010

This guy...

...has it exactly right.
Take the 4 min. & read it.
The only problem I can see w/ any of it is we're going to have to grow some "stones" to "...just say no."

EXCERPT: "I've been saying for years that politicians don't mind protests, movements, elections, petitions, demonstrations, or any other "political action," except when the legitimacy of their rule is questioned. In other words, as long as the "national discussion" consists of the masses asking their masters in "government" for freedom, the masters are in no trouble. When the masses stop asking, and start disobeying, that is when the politicians are doomed. And we are seeing more signs of that now. And as a result, the desperate American tyrants are trying to paint everyone who questions "government" as a terrorist--a tactic which is already back-firing."
"It is utterly impossible to control, by brute force alone, 300,000,000 people (especially when a third of them are armed). Only by convincing the masses that they should be controlled, and that they have an obligation to obey(!!!) "government," can tyrants succeed."

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