Tuesday, October 5, 2010

another eMail...

". . . that said, I was finishing my run this morning & bumped into some friends & we got to talking politics - NOT my idea, mind you - & when you look anywhere & everywhere none of our policies make any god-damned sense what-so-ever. None. Zero. Nunca. Nada. None. So what is it that makes our policy makers so blind? Answer: money. That is it. The whole of it. Trying to make sense of the senseless is an exercise in futility. Until we stop - & I do mean stop x whatever means necessary - this hijacking of our country, our money, our rights, our everything so the few can get disgustingly rich(er) it will continue. To try to speak rationally on the subject is to miss the point. Anyone who looks for a moment will see it - the subject - as irrational. Why? It is because they've taken their collective eye off the prize. It is the money. And if that ugly boogie-man is never dragged from under the bed & into the light, the business of government shall continue as usual."

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