Saturday, June 5, 2010

...ya' think?

What is it going to take to make everyone realize that the government - any government - can't "fix" anything? "No" you say? "This guy babbling on his site is a dinosaur." Well maybe, but I can still see w/ my own eyes & don't need anyone to translate for me. Can't you see that nothing works any longer? ...& the more the "fixers" work on the "fix" the worse things become? Have you all been so bred to the yoke that you simply refuse to look up? Are you all so scared of making your own decisions? Jeeze...

The guys who founded this country saw the future & did everything in their power to warn us & give us the tools to NOT allow this to happen. What is wrong here? What-is-wrong-here? We are suppose to be a Republic - governed x laws (i.e. The Constitution) - but we continually allow ourselves to be raped & oppressed x the crooks. What is wrong here, people? ...sheeple?

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