Friday, June 18, 2010

Editorial Whine...

" of the free & home of the brave."

Land of the free? Huh? America has become the land of the rules - & the crooks in DC - along w/ your local elite - rule. There are rules in this country for every facet or your life. From the birth-canal to the hole in the ground...from your bed to your bed. Everything is regulated. Everything. No? Try driving w/o a seat-belt...try to change your HMO...try to talk to a human (in the US) for any "Help Line"...try to take all your money out of your bank (& why is it WalMart can clear your check in 3-5  seconds & it takes your bank 3-5 days? We all know the answer to that, but what does that tell you?) Everything is controlled - & here's a little something that we seem to overlook - nothing works. The "Controllers" have no idea what they are doing - nor do they care. They just want to have control. The "Fixers" screw up everything they touch in their headlong rush to "fix" everything & nothing gets "fixed".

All that being said, have you ever thought of (a) the mentality of people who want to be in control? (b) why do we allow someone - anyone - else tell us what we can & cannot do? "...home of the brave."?

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