Monday, April 11, 2011


Just sitting around thinking on a warm Sunday afternoon on my back deck about the state of things. I promise not to bore you w/ my thought-process, but give it some thought yourself.

How have we come to the state of affairs we find ourselves? The entire world is in turmoil. The "have-nots" seem to finally have had enough, but that may not actually be the case...nor the cause. Time will tell. 

...& how have we here in the States allowed the whole country to become an armed camp? The cops now pull you over & ask "...where are your papers"? You don't have to be black or brown. Everyone is "suspect". 

...& the rich - & semi-rick - all live in these gated-communities. Walls to keep people out also keep people in. 

The world has become an armed camp. How has this happened? We - humans - set the rules. Take a ride on your imagination for a moment & you're flying in on your saucer from another planet & look down & see the dominant species all killing each other - & those not actively engaged in that pursuit, are preparing. I mean, "WTF - over"? Would you stop x to have some tea? Well being here on the ground, I'll just keep my powder dry - & prepared - & hope "they" never come onto my back deck.

...& this label "terrorist"? What does that mean exactly? Keeping all the people frightened / terrorized? Well it seems to me then, that our Central Government is a terrorist organization. No? "Heresy" you say? Look closer.

Maybe I'm just an old fart, who like all the old-farts before me, lived in a better (different? definitely better. Definitely.) time & are just grumpy & grouchy x the fact of being around so long.

I don't know. What I do know is that this whole set-up ain't right & doesn't have to be this way.

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