Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I just spoke to a friend of mine & they - the miserable gangster-banks - are taking his house. He's tried every single one of the CenGov's "programs" & been denied. He has a job - he's always had a job. Good credit. Always paid his bills. The bank refused to work w/ him on either a payment reduction or re-do of his mortage to one of the gov-sponsored "lower" rate plans.

Now here is my question: do any of you "out there" know of anyone, anywhere that has been helped x these gov't programs that we hear so much about from those bank-owned crooks in DC or the bank-owned media?...even hear of anyone? ...anywhere? I haven't...& I've been trying to find someone who has.

All that money stolen from you in October of '08 & all that money stolen from you since has gone directly into the banks pockets. Am I wrong? Just show me where I'm wrong. Please.

How can we continue to allow this to happen? No one, anywhere, speaks up. Me? I continue to bark at the moon.

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