Tuesday, April 19, 2011

today is . . .

...the anniversary of Lexington & Concord. Do you even have an inkling of what that means? ...then? ...now?

Gas is over $4.00 / gal. & headed to $5+. Check the Quarterlies. The gas companies are making record profits once again - on your back. This country has regulations for everything. From your bumper to your bedroom. Now why do you suppose they refuse to regulate the oil companies? Because they - all of 'em: your president, senator & rep - all of them: owned x the monied interests (read: big-corp - aka big-oil, big-pharm, big-banks, big-etc.) & what do we do? Better question is what CAN we do? 

"They" are aware of our apathy. "They" count on it. "They" produce major strategies on the assumption that we - the cattle - might bitch a bit, but then put our heads back down, graze quietly & give "them" no more trouble. "They" have fabricated the system to produce drey animals...& that is YOU. And I'm ashamed to say, ME.

So what can we do? I don't have an answer. I continue to bark-at-the-moon...but those boys back in 1775 had had enough. I've had enough too, but what do I do? Pound a stupid keyboard. I'm "cowed" like the rest of us...& I am ashamed. 

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