Wednesday, April 20, 2011

mooo . . .

...bits & pieces:

"...At the current price, the government would lose more than $11 billion, but the Obama administration is willing to accept the loss in order to cut its last ties to the auto manufacturer, the newspaper said, citing unnamed sources." --- this is a story about CenGov getting out of GM. Do you see "...the government would lose more than $11 billion, but the Obama administration is willing to accept the loss in order to cut its last ties to the auto manufacturer..." Do you morons out there get that? The Obama Administration is willing to endure the loss? The Gov't will lose $11 B! Hey fools, the friggin' Gov't doesn't produce anything. It hasn't a dime - other than what it wastes of yours that it steals under the guise of income tax. Don't you see any of that?

"...the Debt is at an all time high of #14.3 trillion dollars." Again, do you even have a hazy notion what that means? Tell you what, the Chinese do!

The US Dollar continues to slide. Check the commodities yourself - right there in the left column. Do you know what THAT means? Tell you what - again - the Chinese do!

Gold over $1500 / oz. Why'zat?

Gas predicted to go to $6 x summer - & you can bet if "they" predict that, it'll be a whole lot more! Do you know what that means? I bet you think you do, but it'll effect every facet of your existence - & the oil companies will realize record profits. Mooooooooo...

I can't go on. You cattle out there, lowing to yourselves, deserve what you have already gotten & what you have coming...

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