Saturday, April 30, 2011

More hot-air...

...from those self-serving assholes in Washington - especially the "Asshole-n-Chief":

Do you think for one moment that the oil companies give one crap about what the prices are? They'll make "theirs" no matter what. Why does Europe pay E9 for a gallon? ...because they drive small efficient cars! Surprise! ...& do you think for one moment that cutting off $4B (tho not even a blip on their radar: ie Exxon made $11B profit this quarter) in subsides won't get to your wallet? "Shit flows down hill" as my old DI use to say. MORONS - get with it! Wake up & learn the rules!! least the basics, ferchris'ake!!! ...or continue to bend over w/ your drawers down.

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