Friday, May 6, 2011

& now for somemore "Malarkey" . . .

I have refrained from making comment about the OBL death. Initaially I didn't like the smell - no pictures, no DNA, killed w/ gun, kia w/o gun, burial at sea, et al., but I've come around. I think - operative word: think - that it happened pretty much the way it was reported. Tho I still have questions, there is no doubt eliminating him & not making him a martyr was the right & smart thing to do. Congratulations Team-Six...& thank you.

Mr. President - I am normally never on your side, but taking OBL out was correct & not giving a long-winded speech at "Ground Zero" was classy. Keep it up.

Now on to other "stuff". I read all the papers every day - more or less - & today they reported: "...unemployment above 9%..."; "...strong job report shows economy gaining steam..."; "...up to 500,000 new jobs created...", etc. Now is it any wonder that the "Fourth Estate" has ZERO credibility any longer? They - the press - were to be our "watchdogs", but they have been so co-opted x the corporations who own them that they may be in a tight race w/ the politicians to see who is the most dismissed.

I read the commodities market every day & oil has gone below $99 / bbl - down almost $14. The pump shows a $00.01 drop in price. If crude goes up $2/bbl the price at the pump jumps 10-cents in a day...& we continue to take it. Baaa...

People - are you paying attention to anything going on around you? Rhetorical.

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