Tuesday, July 7, 2009

howl . . . an eMail excerpt:

...($$$) my friend; (+++) me

$$$$$$$$$ Kamikaze pilots and samurai warriors are two different things. Be cool.

+++ yes, that is very true, but I'm sick of being "cool" (read the blurb on the new blog about the "Tea Party" - it states my position pretty clearly). Cool works in the movies, but not in real life. I'm sick of "being cool" - fuck "being cool"! I'm telling you if we ("...the People") don't do something & soon, those fucks will have become so ensconced that the 2010 election won't matter. Red, Blue, fucking Green or Pink. Same-same.

I'm not a Kamikaze, but I am an antsy son-of-a-bitch. Time's slipping away & the whole shiteree continues to slide. Look, put the rhetoric & sophistry aside...untangle yourself from the slavery we call language (think on this: we don't look at the world - as it simply is - any longer. We live as if reality is a rebus. If we can't decipher it thru language, it isn't real...until we can) & just look out from behind your eyes. Leave the words behind & just see what a fucking incredible mess has been - & continues to be - created. This country is running on fear. Everything is predicated on FEAR not FREEDOM. K-mon, freedom. That single word, w/o any modifiers, is the entire argument. No man has the right to make rules for me, you or anyone - especially when they don't even apply to him. No other human on this planet has the right - or in fact, the ability - to bend me to their will. None. This country was founded on that principle. Ya' get that? That one principle alone. Ya' remember that? Of course there are rules if you live in a society, but minimal. The Bill of Rights were written w/ one purpose & only one purpose: to keep the GOVERNMENT at bay - & I don't need some shithead to decipher them for me. They were written so everyone could see them & understand them FOR THEMSELVES! Fuck the lawyers. And we sit with our thumbs up our collective ass - chatting it up - kidding ourselves that talking can actually make a difference. Writing stupid blogs can actually make a difference. Going to "Tea Parties" can actually make a difference.

"Ahhhooowww..."!...where the fuck is that moon when I need it? I've a bulletin for you: the moon does not give a fuck. I've another bulletin for you: the sword is mightier than the larynx...& "They" know that. That is why "They" allow you to bitch all you want but are constantly trying to take your sword. Yet we continue to allow it all to happen. Not another fucking millimeter to those miserable cock-suckers. None. Zero tolerance. Check Mother-Fucking Mate!!!

Shit I was going to bed & read, but not now. My pulse is about 150! FUCK!!! "Ahhhooowww..."!

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