Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Guest Commentary:

"Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!"

--George Washington, letter to James Warren, March 31, 1779

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a small business owner (no bail out for me) and in desperate times, I tried to apply for a government grant. How stupid of me to think that there was legitimate money out there for the little guy. Instead I was duped out of money that was stolen out of my bank account for the privilege of filling out a form. Again, shame on me for thinking my government gave a damn. I believed in "change"! Yes, I voted for what I thought was the lesser of two evils. (I didn't want a hockey mom to have her finger on the button that could put us in a nuclear war, what were they thinking?) My electric bill changed, it went higher. Gas prices are changing again, going higher and my business has changed, getting slower.....Pissin in the wind! Can't work for someone jobs and can't work for one has money to spend. So let's send our young sons and daughters to war because there is no money for college and no jobs for them when they get out of high school but at least they have paying jobs and an education for risking their lives. Anyway, they would be on the streets selling dope and committing crimes to get by. What's a poor boy to do?