Tuesday, July 7, 2009

howl . . . 09.07.08

Robert S. McNamara dead at 93 (LINKS: #3)

Went to a "Tea Party" on Sunday the 5th. I did so wishing that something might actually be accomplished, but no. Just a bunch of middle aged posers laughing & joking & dressing up in funny costumes & holding funny signs. Fiesta time! ...& here's an ominous sign: not a black face anywhere.

Look people - get this thru your thick skulls: "They" allow us "peaceful assembly" because "They" know it is of absolutely no consequence...& get this too: I wish it were possible to effect change through "peaceful assembly" &/or the ballot box, BUT IT AIN'T!!! We ("...the People") have had our ability to effect change, slowly taken from us. You think some back-woods-country-bumpkin can come along & be president of these United States? Surely you know better. Oh, he/she might come from the woods alright, but they'll stay there unless "They" back 'em, bring 'em to the fore & then "They" own them. "No"? Look closer.

Am I advocating violence? I would like to say yes, but believe me, I'm no martyr & I am pretty sure there aren't 72 virgins waiting for me in heaven! The gov't has weapons & technology that we - here in the street - can't even imagine. No. Violence is pretty much out of the question. So what then? The ballot box is almost a non-starter. Peaceful assembly is a waste of time. What do we do? Seriously. What can we do? Go into "Fortress Mode"? Move to Tahiti? ...the North Pole? Answer: I don't know, wish I did, but I don't. Hummm, maybe I'll just go sign up for food stamps...

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