Friday, July 31, 2009

"...particularly troubling..."?

An interview with ABC News this week Eric Holder said, "I mean, that's one of the things that's particularly troubling: This whole notion of radicalization of Americans," Holder said during the interview.

Could it be that the Government is so out of touch w/ "We the People..." that the "radicalization of Americans" is the inevitable result?

Hey Eric, I've a bulletin for you: YOU & YOUR MOB AIN'T NOBILITY! You & your mob are SUPPOSE to represent (what a novel concept!) the people for whom you arrogant prick!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A Big, Fat Lie -

"[H]ealth insurance reform will not add to our deficit over the next decade, and I mean it. ... I am very worried about federal spending." -- President Barack Obama

Oh, well, in that case...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Guest Commentary:

"The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for, among old parchments, or musty records. They are written, as with a sun beam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power." --Alexander Hamilton

As of this writing, Barack Hussein Obama's "fundamental transformation of the United States of America" has obligated taxpayers for an admitted $7 trillion in current and future debt for his so-called "economic recovery" act. Heaping insult upon near-fatal injury, Congress is now considering an additional $2 trillion in proposed tax increases for BO's CO2 folly, over $1 trillion for his nationalized healthcare experiment and untold trillions for another round of "economic recovery" programs. Furthermore, TARP Inspector General Neil Barofsky announced this week that total Federal exposure for all TARP "spending" had been leveraged to $23.7 trillion, equal to approximately one and one half times GDP(emphasis mine).

Of course, none of the aforementioned Obama initiatives, or the collection and redistribution of wealth to fund them, is authorized by our Constitution.

Therefore, if these schemes are not authorized by our Constitution, then we have an outlaw government, and if we have an outlaw government, then by what authority does that government assess and collect taxes?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Guest Commentary:

"Frankly, I'm not sure if I'm just being guilty of wishful thinking, but I have a hunch that while Obama is doing his best to destroy America and capitalism, the "lemming-in-chief" is leading the party faithful blindly off the cliff. No matter how personally popular the president might be, and I am beginning to doubt those particular numbers, the same certainly can't be said for his colleagues and cronies. The truth is, Pelosi and Reid are about as popular as mumps and chicken pox. . . most Americans hate socialized medicine and cap and trade; they hate the idea of the feds being in bed with the unions and nationalizing banks and car companies; they hate the idea of dismantling our missile defense system at the very same time that Iran and North Korea are threatening us; they particularly hate the idea of our president going abroad and bad-mouthing America every chance he gets. Even Bill Clinton stopped doing that once he was past draft age and had gotten a haircut. Unless I'm very much mistaken, those Democrats who are going along in order to get along are likely to discover next year that the voters are going to tell them in no uncertain words to move along." --columnist Burt Prelutsky

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Walter Cronkite has died. He was 92.
(LINKS: #6)

Where have all the "Walter Cronkite's" gone. The Forth Estate has gone from watch-dog to lap-dog...& we're all suffering for it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

howl . . . 09.07.14

Talk about the "Fourth Estate" being asleep at the switch!
Fucking "Old Grey Lady"'s a whore...stupid ugly old whore whose long outlived her usefulness.

...or goto: LINKS - click #5

Thursday, July 9, 2009


When President Obama made that "treaty" w/ Russia (yesterday) depleting our warhead capability by 1/3, did he consult the Congress (not that I have any great love for their discernment)? Doesn't it say in The Constitution that any treaty must be ratified - I know they don't actually "ratify," but let's keep it simple - by 2/3 of the Senate? Now here is the question: what do you call a leader of a country that makes decisions w/o consulting the representatives of the people; w/o the rule of law?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

howl . . . an eMail excerpt:

...($$$) my friend; (+++) me

$$$$$$$$$ Kamikaze pilots and samurai warriors are two different things. Be cool.

+++ yes, that is very true, but I'm sick of being "cool" (read the blurb on the new blog about the "Tea Party" - it states my position pretty clearly). Cool works in the movies, but not in real life. I'm sick of "being cool" - fuck "being cool"! I'm telling you if we ("...the People") don't do something & soon, those fucks will have become so ensconced that the 2010 election won't matter. Red, Blue, fucking Green or Pink. Same-same.

I'm not a Kamikaze, but I am an antsy son-of-a-bitch. Time's slipping away & the whole shiteree continues to slide. Look, put the rhetoric & sophistry aside...untangle yourself from the slavery we call language (think on this: we don't look at the world - as it simply is - any longer. We live as if reality is a rebus. If we can't decipher it thru language, it isn't real...until we can) & just look out from behind your eyes. Leave the words behind & just see what a fucking incredible mess has been - & continues to be - created. This country is running on fear. Everything is predicated on FEAR not FREEDOM. K-mon, freedom. That single word, w/o any modifiers, is the entire argument. No man has the right to make rules for me, you or anyone - especially when they don't even apply to him. No other human on this planet has the right - or in fact, the ability - to bend me to their will. None. This country was founded on that principle. Ya' get that? That one principle alone. Ya' remember that? Of course there are rules if you live in a society, but minimal. The Bill of Rights were written w/ one purpose & only one purpose: to keep the GOVERNMENT at bay - & I don't need some shithead to decipher them for me. They were written so everyone could see them & understand them FOR THEMSELVES! Fuck the lawyers. And we sit with our thumbs up our collective ass - chatting it up - kidding ourselves that talking can actually make a difference. Writing stupid blogs can actually make a difference. Going to "Tea Parties" can actually make a difference.

"Ahhhooowww..."!...where the fuck is that moon when I need it? I've a bulletin for you: the moon does not give a fuck. I've another bulletin for you: the sword is mightier than the larynx...& "They" know that. That is why "They" allow you to bitch all you want but are constantly trying to take your sword. Yet we continue to allow it all to happen. Not another fucking millimeter to those miserable cock-suckers. None. Zero tolerance. Check Mother-Fucking Mate!!!

Shit I was going to bed & read, but not now. My pulse is about 150! FUCK!!! "Ahhhooowww..."!

howl . . . 09.07.08

Robert S. McNamara dead at 93 (LINKS: #3)

Went to a "Tea Party" on Sunday the 5th. I did so wishing that something might actually be accomplished, but no. Just a bunch of middle aged posers laughing & joking & dressing up in funny costumes & holding funny signs. Fiesta time! ...& here's an ominous sign: not a black face anywhere.

Look people - get this thru your thick skulls: "They" allow us "peaceful assembly" because "They" know it is of absolutely no consequence...& get this too: I wish it were possible to effect change through "peaceful assembly" &/or the ballot box, BUT IT AIN'T!!! We ("...the People") have had our ability to effect change, slowly taken from us. You think some back-woods-country-bumpkin can come along & be president of these United States? Surely you know better. Oh, he/she might come from the woods alright, but they'll stay there unless "They" back 'em, bring 'em to the fore & then "They" own them. "No"? Look closer.

Am I advocating violence? I would like to say yes, but believe me, I'm no martyr & I am pretty sure there aren't 72 virgins waiting for me in heaven! The gov't has weapons & technology that we - here in the street - can't even imagine. No. Violence is pretty much out of the question. So what then? The ballot box is almost a non-starter. Peaceful assembly is a waste of time. What do we do? Seriously. What can we do? Go into "Fortress Mode"? Move to Tahiti? ...the North Pole? Answer: I don't know, wish I did, but I don't. Hummm, maybe I'll just go sign up for food stamps...

Guest Commentary:

"Why did the founders of our nation give us the Bill of Rights? The answer is easy. They knew Congress could not be trusted with our God-given rights. Think about it. Why in the world would they have written the First Amendment prohibiting Congress from enacting any law that abridges freedom of speech and the press? The answer is that in the absence of such a limitation Congress would abridge free speech and free press. That same distrust of Congress explains the other amendments found in our Bill of Rights protecting rights such as our rights to property, fair trial and to bear arms. The Bill of Rights should serve as a constant reminder of the deep distrust that our founders had of government. They knew that some government was necessary but they rightfully saw government as the enemy of the people and they sought to limit government and provide us with protections." --George Mason University economics professor Walter E. Williams

Saturday, July 4, 2009

bark . . . 09.07.04

Short & sweet:

It is July 4, our country's birthday...but it is a far different country than was envisioned 233 yrs. ago.

Friday, July 3, 2009


"...233 years ago tomorrow, our county declared independence from the tyrannical British empire. Not for power... not for gold... but for freedom. They wanted to live their lives and to be left alone, and they realized that they didn't need a nanny-government directing how they lived their lives."
- Tim Schmidt

Look where we are today - all in a mere 233 years.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Guest Commentary:

On July 4th of 1776, our Founders, assembled as representatives to the Second Continental Congress, issued a declaration stating most notably:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ... That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government..."

- Thomas Jefferson
- Benjamin Franklin
- Samuel Adams
- Josiah Bartlett
- John Hancock
- John Adams
- Francis Lightfoot Lee
- John Penn
- Richard Stockton
- William Williams
- al.

We have become a bunch of spineless "politically correct" fools...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Guest Commentary:

"Our cause is noble; it is the cause of mankind!"

--George Washington, letter to James Warren, March 31, 1779