Tuesday, December 25, 2012

eMail excerpt:

None of these examples could have even been imagined 50 years ago--- so what changed our culture to begin to believe this way?

     You  know you live in a Country run by idiots if...

     You can get arrested  for expired tags on your car but not for being in the country illegally. 

     Your government believes that the best  way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more  of our money.

     Children are forcibly removed from  parents who appropriately discipline them while children of  "underprivileged" drug addicts are left to rot in filth infested cesspools  of a “home”.

     Hard work and success are  rewarded with higher taxes and government intrusion, while slothful, lazy  behavior is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized  housing, and free cell phones. 

     The government's plan for getting people  back to work is to provide 99 weeks of unemployment checks (to not work). 

     Being self-sufficient is considered a  threat to the government.

     Politicians  think that stripping away the amendments to the constitution is really  protecting the rights of the people. 

     The rights of the Government come before  the rights of the individual.

     You can  write a post like this just by reading the news headlines.

     You pay your mortgage faithfully,  denying yourself the newest big screen TV while your neighbor defaults on  his mortgage (while buying iPhones, TV's and new cars) and the government  forgives his debt and reduces his mortgage (with your tax dollars).

     Being stripped of the ability to defend  yourself makes you "safe".

     An 80  year old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a Muslim woman in a  burka is only subject to having her neck and head searched.  

     Using the "N" word is considered "hate  speech" but writing and singing songs about raping women and killing cops  is considered "art".


     Unfortunately, this list could go on and on. Our country is run by  idiots.
     We are in distress. Where do we go from here?

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

I've been quiet - licking my wounds, which have far from healed - since the election. Lost because of the fact that I am so out of step w/ the public weal that I should just keep my mouth shut.

Now the Connecticut Massacre & the attendent assault on the 2nd Amendment - as if all the posturing can legislate insanity.

I've been quiet but I'm about to "come out". Stay tuned...if you care a wit.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ok, it's Sunday before election day. I don't care - actually that is a big fat lie as I care oh so very much - whom you vote for . . . but VOTE!

If you don't VOTE, you lose your right to bitch.

I ask only that you do your homework & vote intelligently. That is all.

...tho if you know what is going on around you, you will realize that you live - should live that is - in a Republic not a Democracy. Don't know what that even means? Maybe you shouldn't vote after all.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

            "...never allow the enemy to impose his will upon you..."
                                                                   -Sun Tzu

               "Freedom is not given; it is taken."
                                   - Vostanik Manuk Adoyan (aka: Maxim Gorky)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The price is too high . . .

The price of security from the so-called "Threat of Terrorism" is too god-damn high. Out country is becoming a "B" Sci-Fi movie. "They" keep telling us - over & over & over - that all these restrictions & retentions of our personal liberties are to protect us. First & formost they certainly don't do that. TSA - are you kidding me? Random road checks? NDAA (& do you even know what that means?)? 30,000 drones to be in OUR skies x 2015? ...& did you even know that? I won't go on...but I will tell you this: there will come a time, perhaps not in my lifetime, that "We the People..." will have had enough. Throughout history there comes a time when people will simply throw off the yolk.

I do realize that because of the ubiquitous credit-card that we all live above our means - & that keeps us leashed to the banks...& why do you think everything is so expensive? Because no one has to pay right there, right then. It's on credit...& the friggin' banks are making a fortune on YOU! For every dollar you spend you're paying anywhere from $1.08 (if you can show them you don't need credit) to upwards of $1.23 - or more if you really do need credit! ...& again do you even realize that?

...& as in most bad sci-fi movies there is the drug that keeps the people enthrolled. Our population is drugged to the max. They are giving MAOI's to 3 year olds! Did you get that: 3 year olds...not just your skitzy girlfriend or your infirmed grand-ma. No. Everyone. ...& "Big Pharm" is making as much as the banking consortium. ...& if you're not taking chemicals, you're hypnotized every night electronically x that thing we all are addicted to: TV.

No? Look closer.

History shall judge us harshly. Very harshly.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

e-mail excerpt...

...Actually I knew that - where the pic's were from - BUT screw'm. I don't know how much you've dealt w/ Arabs. They understand one, & one thing only: might. I went to school w/ them; I've been in business w/ them; I've had a Lebanese partner - whom I thought was as a brother. I'm part Lebanese. Syrian actually as part of Syria was hacked off to become Lebanon - in a number of ventures. Never forget they are first & foremost out for themselves...the singular. Nothing else counts. Not even other Arabs. It's in the blood: some of it in their sand. The constant strife. Today it's the West. Yesterday it was the tribes. Tomorrow? Again, you must realize they are like the Chinese - they take the long view. And again, you must realize the arrogance of their view that they & only they, are the "chosen". That "infidel" thing is the underpinning of their psyche...& it's real. Very real. I say: fuck'm. Kill 'em all & let Allah sort'm out!!! ...& I guarantee Iran is trying to make "the bomb"...& will if possible, eradicate Israel...& by extension, The West. That means ME!!!...& my country. I say: no. Take them out now, while we can.

The bigger question is: if we do challenge Iran, do we - the US - have the will to do what is necessary? My humble answer is: no...based on the past 50 years & our politically correct, media salving "Overlords."

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Seems this is becoming a photo-read...!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thank God for the "Oath Keepers"...


Friday, August 3, 2012

If you're not getting all the pix & cartoons, refresh the page.
I don't know what's going on . . . as usual!!!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012



This was sent to me in an e-mail from a friend - "The Dipper":

"The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living 
are now outnumbered by those who vote for a living."

 ...wish I'd come up w/ that!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Robert's Supreme Court . . .

...has upheld "obamacare".

Am I so far off the mark that I'm astonished?
Guess so...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

e-mail exerpt . . .

...this is about Krugman's column in the NYT today (120611)

. . .  
By the way how is that austerity thing working out?

*** never been a proponent of "...that austerity thing...". 

Les'see now - should I say this one more time in the misguided hope that you may just read it & may just comprehend it? Well ok...just watched "Uncle Drew" (http://devour.com/video/uncle-drew/) again, man that was something so I'm in a particularly magnanimous mood...well anyway(z) are you ready? Ok here goes: IT'S ALL FUCKING BROKEN! ALL OF IT!! TOP TO BOTTOM!!! The country was raped back in Oct.'08 x those cock-suckers at Goldman-Sachs w/ their point-man Henry "Hank" Merritt Paulson. We ALL are to blame - my only regret in my own complicity is I didn't get a fucking dime! - ALL of us because we let it happen! Since then the "Haves" have run rough-shod over any & all that get in their way w/o even the pretense of civility.

Point 2: "The Swells" have given us - thru a system so totally compromised to be all but a shell - an arrogant Socialist & an empty suit. Great choice, eh?

Now pay attention boy-o: THE WHOLE THING IS A FUCKING SHAM. THE SYSTEM IS SO CO-OPTED THAT IT IS DEFACTO NON-EXISTENT. Jefferson, Franklin, Adams & the boys gave us "...a republic if we can keep it..." (BF). Well lad, we can't. We didn't. So I pose this to you "all knowing, all seeing" one: what now?

Monday, June 4, 2012

"...never allow the enemy to impose his will upon you..."
                                                                                  - Sun Tzu

...& who might our enemy be?
...depends on your definition.

My definition is having another force dominion upon one for no other reason than the act of domination.

My rather personal & obscure point is I am beginning to see my government as the enemy. NOT my country. Please understand that...but the overbearing, over-reaching gaggle of know-nothing crooks in DC. That disconnected bunch has almost reached it's limits - if "We the People..." are going to continue to be free & carry on this "...grand experiment...".

As I've pointed out elsewhere the definition of terrorism is: "...systematic covert warfare to produce terror for political coercion...". Now my friends, who(m?) does that sound like? What group of sociopaths does that remind you of?

November of this year is our last hope - as it may already too late to bring us back from the brink. But please vote, even if your only choice is an avowed Marxist or an "empty suit".

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Today is Memorial Day.
Does anyone under the age of, oh say 35 (that has not been "deployed") even know what that really means? ...or give a crap?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

France yesterday voted in a new president...an avowed socialist.

Allow me to repeat: with all the turmoil assailing Europe, France voted in a socialist.

My greatest fear is that in November we - America - shall do the same.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's been almost . . .

...two months since I've been here.
To my one loyal reader I shall try to do better, but I still haven't gotten another computer. This laptop is tough!

Anyway(z) what brings me here today? It's April 19. You don't have a clue as to what that means? No surprise. Look it up.

As for some light-hearted reading, go to:

Monday, February 20, 2012

this is the first . . .

...time I've been able to access my account in about 2 weeks & all my pictures, cartoons, etc., have been lost. Hacked? Why? I'm nobody, but . . . ?

I'll try to make this brief as no one wants to read a novel.

Read the Declaration of Independence for yourself. A friend told me to do just that a few weeks ago & I thought that as I do read it periodically, there was no need. There is a need. Read it & be pissed off - even if you're convinced you "know it all", do it...even if your a-political, do it. Just friggin' do it.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

Newt wins in South Carolina.


So as of today our choice for the President of the United States w/ all that implies is:

1. Barack Obama
2. Mitt Romney
3. Newt Gingrich

...someone please get me some "salts" I'm feeling a bout of the vapors descending on me!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

couple of random thoughts . . .

1) I've been quiet about the Marines that pissed on the dead Taliban. I know I'm about to offend most everyone, but so what? WHO GIVES A SHIT? Think they deserve respect? ...killing indescriminately ...stoning & shooting women ...chopping off people's heads? ...raping ...on & on & on. They all ought to be rounded up & covered in pig excrement (a' la Gen. Black Jack Pershing) & shot in the fucking head! Don't like that kind of talk? Tough shit & go fuck yourself! You ever been on a killing-field? No? Then see above - double - & shut your fucking mouth.

2) Obama is an obomination. Romney is a hack. "We the People..." have to choose? ...& lose!

3) my computer burned up - literally - & this laptop is killing me. Made for children's fingers & children's eyes. So you're lucky that I'm about to close this & let you off the hook because I've lots more to say.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Will someone . . .


...please explain to me how this is even possible in MY country. This isn't Iran, North Korea, etc. ...at least not the last time I checked.

  National Defense Authorization Act

Does this mean the 4th A is no longer in effect?
Does this mean "Habeas Corpus" is no longer in effect?
...& we sit docilely by & let it all happen.

Question: what is the definition of terrorism?
Answer: "...systematic covert warfare to produce terror for political coercion."
Question: who or what does that sound like?
Answer: the Central Government of the United States...the Senate...the Congress.
Question: what does that mean - exactly?
Answer: the Government of the United States has become the enemy.
Game. Set. Match.
"We the People..." lose

I'm sick.