Monday, June 11, 2012

e-mail exerpt . . .

...this is about Krugman's column in the NYT today (120611)

. . .  
By the way how is that austerity thing working out?

*** never been a proponent of "...that austerity thing...". 

Les'see now - should I say this one more time in the misguided hope that you may just read it & may just comprehend it? Well ok...just watched "Uncle Drew" ( again, man that was something so I'm in a particularly magnanimous mood...well anyway(z) are you ready? Ok here goes: IT'S ALL FUCKING BROKEN! ALL OF IT!! TOP TO BOTTOM!!! The country was raped back in Oct.'08 x those cock-suckers at Goldman-Sachs w/ their point-man Henry "Hank" Merritt Paulson. We ALL are to blame - my only regret in my own complicity is I didn't get a fucking dime! - ALL of us because we let it happen! Since then the "Haves" have run rough-shod over any & all that get in their way w/o even the pretense of civility.

Point 2: "The Swells" have given us - thru a system so totally compromised to be all but a shell - an arrogant Socialist & an empty suit. Great choice, eh?

Now pay attention boy-o: THE WHOLE THING IS A FUCKING SHAM. THE SYSTEM IS SO CO-OPTED THAT IT IS DEFACTO NON-EXISTENT. Jefferson, Franklin, Adams & the boys gave us "...a republic if we can keep it..." (BF). Well lad, we can't. We didn't. So I pose this to you "all knowing, all seeing" one: what now?

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