Monday, April 19, 2010

just... off the phone w/ a supposed intellegent friend of mine & he was waxing on about "...see? The gov't is on the job! They're taking the G-S thing very seriously..."
"Oh?" sez?
"Yes definitely" sez he.
"Well,' sez I, 'why is it then, this "grand suit" is civil & not criminal"?
"...aaah..." sez he.

Hey "out there": "They" are merely throwing the rabble a crumb. What don't you get? Goldman-Sachs thru Sec. of the Treasury Hank Paulson (G-S butt-boy) eliminated all their competitors & stole, as in: " judicial review..." probably $350B+. I say "probably" because we'll never know...of YOUR money! What must I say to you that will make you finally understand the Gov't doesn't have a dime? It is YOUR money...YOUR MONEY!!! ...& what if a judgment comes in against them? Whose money will they use to pay it off? So what if they get fined $100M or $100B? Do the math fools! The arrogance. The hubris. The duplicity. The outright theft...& you continue to mill about wondering what's going on. Ever go to a slaughter-house?


IslanderInExile said...

It's so difficult to stay outraged at this when it goes on so often. That's the ultimate irony - the rape victim eventually stops crying out for help.

The Pheasant said...

Dear IE:

That is EXACTLY what they count on...& I know EXACTLY what you mean!


ps you know of course it's a civil suit not if they get a judgment against them they'll pay it w/ your money. I mean, if you give it a moment, you cannot help but be outraged. Say they get a $100M judgment against them (which they won't - that's only about .00035% (if my decimal's correct) of what they & Paulson stole (minimum) from "We the People...". Fuckin' A!!!