Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Modest Proposal...

Had an early morning talk w/ a friend & he had an interesting idea. All the money that all the "fat-cats" have & are "investing for us" - & them - is OUR money. How about simply taking all the money out of our IRA's, 401's, Mutual Funds, any & all of the retirement money & simply take it? Simply take physical possession. It is ours, correct? Simply deprive "them" of having our money to play w/. That would be interesting, no?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did exactly what you are proposing- over the last ten months. Unfortunatley, it was while I was unemployed and I spent it on bread and rent.
Now the fat cats don't have it and neither do I!

Your dumb#&$&^#* friend