Friday, June 29, 2012
The Robert's Supreme Court . . .
...has upheld "obamacare".
Am I so far off the mark that I'm astonished?
Guess so...
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
e-mail exerpt . . .
...this is about Krugman's column in the NYT today (120611)
. . .
By the way how is that austerity thing working out?
*** never been a proponent of "...that austerity thing...".
Les'see now - should I say this one more time in the misguided hope that you may just read it & may just comprehend it? Well ok...just watched "Uncle Drew" ( again, man that was something so I'm in a particularly magnanimous mood...well anyway(z) are you ready? Ok here goes: IT'S ALL FUCKING BROKEN! ALL OF IT!! TOP TO BOTTOM!!! The country was raped back in Oct.'08 x those cock-suckers at Goldman-Sachs w/ their point-man Henry "Hank" Merritt Paulson. We ALL are to blame - my only regret in my own complicity is I didn't get a fucking dime! - ALL of us because we let it happen! Since then the "Haves" have run rough-shod over any & all that get in their way w/o even the pretense of civility.
Point 2: "The Swells" have given us - thru a system so totally compromised to be all but a shell - an arrogant Socialist & an empty suit. Great choice, eh?
Now pay attention boy-o: THE WHOLE THING IS A FUCKING SHAM. THE SYSTEM IS SO CO-OPTED THAT IT IS DEFACTO NON-EXISTENT. Jefferson, Franklin, Adams & the boys gave us "...a republic if we can keep it..." (BF). Well lad, we can't. We didn't. So I pose this to you "all knowing, all seeing" one: what now?
Monday, June 4, 2012
"...never allow the enemy to impose his will upon you..."
- Sun Tzu
...& who might our enemy be?
...depends on your definition.
My definition is having another force dominion upon one for no other reason than the act of domination.
My rather personal & obscure point is I am beginning to see my government as the enemy. NOT my country. Please understand that...but the overbearing, over-reaching gaggle of know-nothing crooks in DC. That disconnected bunch has almost reached it's limits - if "We the People..." are going to continue to be free & carry on this "...grand experiment...".
As I've pointed out elsewhere the definition of terrorism is: "...systematic covert warfare to produce terror for political coercion...". Now my friends, who(m?) does that sound like? What group of sociopaths does that remind you of?
November of this year is our last hope - as it may already too late to bring us back from the brink. But please vote, even if your only choice is an avowed Marxist or an "empty suit".
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