Friday, April 30, 2010

35 years ago today...

God-damned DC Fat-Cats...I suppose things really never change.
If memory serves: 58,254 dead.
For what?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Can you imagine...

...Europe is having privacy concerns about the U.S! If that doesn't tell you all you really need to know, you must be brain-dead . . . or like almost half the nation: in denial.

Monday, April 19, 2010

just... off the phone w/ a supposed intellegent friend of mine & he was waxing on about "...see? The gov't is on the job! They're taking the G-S thing very seriously..."
"Oh?" sez?
"Yes definitely" sez he.
"Well,' sez I, 'why is it then, this "grand suit" is civil & not criminal"?
"...aaah..." sez he.

Hey "out there": "They" are merely throwing the rabble a crumb. What don't you get? Goldman-Sachs thru Sec. of the Treasury Hank Paulson (G-S butt-boy) eliminated all their competitors & stole, as in: " judicial review..." probably $350B+. I say "probably" because we'll never know...of YOUR money! What must I say to you that will make you finally understand the Gov't doesn't have a dime? It is YOUR money...YOUR MONEY!!! ...& what if a judgment comes in against them? Whose money will they use to pay it off? So what if they get fined $100M or $100B? Do the math fools! The arrogance. The hubris. The duplicity. The outright theft...& you continue to mill about wondering what's going on. Ever go to a slaughter-house?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Do any...

...of you fools out there have the remotest guess of what tomorrow is?
No? I thought not.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Will someone...

...please explain to me what the morons are saying as opposed what they are doing? It is getting closer to November, but do they think this kind of blather will have ANY effect on what we've seen this last year & half? "We the People..." do indeed have a short attention / retention span, but "They" have that little respect for our intelligence? Rhetorical - as we all know that "They" have zero respect for us...their employers.

ps Happy April 15 - Federal Theft Day

Friday, April 9, 2010

I just found out...

...that one of my best political allies does NOT vote!
Are you kidding me?
Talk about ZERO credibility...
How many other "posers" are there out there?
I mean - are you firiggin' shittin' me???

One man; one vote; one four year license to gripe.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

...and the dance begins!

All you yahoo's thought the gov't was actually going to GIVE you something?
Well maybe, but not if you speak Inglish!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Employment #'s:

I've yet to check, but it's somewhere - according to "them" - 165,000 + new jobs created, but unemployment holds steady at 9.7%. How the hell is that? Think the numbers have been "massaged"?

(edit) I've found the newest data: 162,000 jobs & unemployment at 9.7% - & do take into consideration about 50,000 of those were census takers...but even then I don't know what country the stat-people are living in, but we folks here on the street are not convinced that the economy is on the rebound. Time will tell, but I do see a major "reckoning" coming due soon. Time for the Gov't to "put-up or shut-up." All this "feel good news" will NOT pay your bills.

The Gov't of these United States is a lying bunch of crooks that are bleeding you, me - all of us - dry. What is going to happen? It is patently obvious that there is very little chance of it - the Gov't - fixing itself. So again I ask you: what do you see happening?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

it SEEMS...

...that I've de-hacked this site.
We'll see.

Question: who would give enough of a crap to hack this site?