Monday, December 14, 2009

This is a "Must Read":

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) this week called for a global tax on financial transactions, claiming that the revenue raised could be used for -- drum roll please -- more stimulus spending. H.R. 4191, which is currently before the House, calls for a quarter percent tax on the sale and purchase of all financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, options, futures, you name it. The idea, according to Pelosi, is to get Wall Street to pitch in with the government to help grow the economy -- er, government.

A sentiment like that should clearly define just how dangerous Pelosi is when it comes to economics. If she truly believes that Wall Street has never helped grow the economy, then she doesn't deserve the role of town dogcatcher, let alone that of Speaker. On the contrary, it has been the government's actions that have hindered the recovery and growth of our economy.

Since Pelosi seems aware that this tax will drive investment out of the United States, she proposes that all the major international players -- including Asia, the EU and the UK -- impose a similar tax just so that no one can escape from their righteous duty to pay more taxes (are you shittin' me?).

Pelosi made no indication of what would become of the tax once the stimulus spending was no longer needed. In her mind, there will always be a need for government involvement in the economy, so there will always be a need for more income redistribution.
--Patriot Post

Now I ask you simply: is 'dis bitch nuts, or what???

1 comment:

IslanderInExile said...

Yes, she's batshit crazy. And she's killing the Democratic party.