Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Listen up...

The bottom line is: we-are-broke.
What don't you get about that?
The US of A is flat, on-its-ass, broke.

Here is part of an email discussion between me & a friend:


(a friend) . . . Where am I in the USA or Ethiopia?

(me)*** we're broke - no one wants to own up to it - but this country is BROKE. I told you years ago - when they changed the bankruptcy laws, that that was the canary in the mine, tho they'd been planning on stealing the country blind for the past 45 years. Ike warned us in the late '50's - that this was going to happen. Now it has. China won't buy our treasury bonds any longer (read: they won't lend us any more money). Couple of months ago our Treasury Sec. (Goldman-Sachs butt-boy Geithner) went to Beijing & told a college seminar that their money was safe in the US...he was laughed - literally - off the stage. No one wants the Dollar any longer. China's using the dollars it has to buy up Africa, lots of Canada & anything that's not nailed down here in the US - all w/ our own money.

-India just bought 200 metric tons - yes, tons - of gold w/ the dollars (our dollars - don't lose sight of that one simple fact) it has accumulated a few days ago. It bought it at the ridiculous price of $1045 / troy! Insane! ...but it doesn't matter. They bought it w/ our own dollars which, in a very short time, will be worth nothing on the international market! It - India - no longer wants our "paper" & has changed it into real property. The whole world is laughing at us & we, here, in the US are in denial.

-Now, if Saudi Arabia turns its back on us & switches from the Petro-Dollar to the Petro-Euro, we are screwed to the wall. It'll cost $10 for gas, $5 for a loaf of bread - if we're lucky! ...I just re-read that & it is way too conservative.

-Here I go again: Prediction Time - somewhere within the next 5 years ( & probably much sooner, unless something magical happens & it might) there will be civil unrest the likes of which will make it seem like April 12, 1861 again. People are going to become desperate. Take their houses, cars, take everything & that'll piss'em off, but when people simply can't afford to eat (Homage: TT), the shit will definitely be in the wind. Remember what I told you. Remember.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scary stuff you speak of
any more miracles possible?