Friday, July 8, 2011

interesting but . . .

...not the real issue. Never forget Goldman-Sachs' butt-boy Henry (Hank to his friends) Paulson orchestrated the theft of $750B minimum - yes, remember that back in October of '08? -  from the taxpayers & told us point blank " congressional judicial review..."! And he got away w/ it!!! The friggin' people & their Congress are cattle...& so, we get what we settle for.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 2

Please take the next few days thinking about what the date July 4 is all about.
You don't need me telling you what I think - it'd be like someone explaining what was happening as you watched a sunrise. I won't ruin it. Sort it out in your own words what our legacy is & what it means...& how close we are to losing it all.