Wednesday, September 22, 2010

mother-fucking "media"...

...reports: "...the Commerce Department said that housing starts surged up by 10.5 percent to an annual rate of 598,000 in August from the revised July estimate of 541,000." But what they don't tell you it is for MULTI-FAMILY dwellings (read: "the barrio"; "the projects"; "the getto"!!!). 

Once, just fucking ONCE, I wish the media would simply report - NOT SPIN - the facts...then again I write Santa every year.

I've my own thoughts...

...on this particular issue - right K-man? - but this is pretty good!

Monday, September 20, 2010

conversation w/ a friend on the beach...


" Publix (local grocery chain) the old folks line up in the morning for free coffee...they wait in line for the little free food samples...every day...". Did you understand that? Do you truly understand the implications of that little snippet of conversation?

Our people - our very own people - are going hungry...especially the elderly. That fool at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue gives away billions - his inane predecessor was equally guilty - to anyone & everyone, but our own people are in such dire straights. Social Security - upon which many, many elderly solely rely - is NOT getting a simple "cost of living" adjustment for the next two years! Do you understand that? The SS fund has been raped x the arrogant clowns - who, x the way, do not pay into it. They have their own little "fund" - in the building next door. Aaaggghhh!!! ...& don't be griping about the old-farts either. They did NOT have a say in weather they did or did not have to pay into it. It - Social Security - is NOT an entitlement. Get that. Don't let those crooks in Congress tell you differently. That money was taken from each & every one of us every week of our lives. That is NOT government largess - an oxymoron in any event. No. That is our own money, but to hear the bloated monster we call gov't "it is a gift." That - SS -was suppose to be "untouchable", but those arrogant, venial thives in DC have been stealing from it for decades & now they tell us, "we" have to do something or it's going to be broke x 2032 or pick-a-date x whomever you read. I have a suggestion about what to do: "...get a rope...".

Our country is so off track, so fucking lost, it is beyond comprehension...especially for us that have been around long enough to remember a better - much - time.

I've said time & time again that if MLK were the only one trying to change the tide against blacks, they'd still be in the back of the bus. What is needed now is a political Malcolm X; a political H. Rap Brown; a political SLA - tho we all know that extremism to the point of murder is unacceptable. What is needed is some radicalism just this side of it. Someone has got to step up to the plate or this monstrosity we call a government will - "...will..."!? Now that in an understatement of unrivaled proportions! - continue to run roughshod over us all until there is nothing left but roadkill.

I'm sick of it all. Are you? Had enough? VOTE (Nov. 2) - not for an incumbent; not for a Democrat; not for a Republican, but one who has your values - your country's lost values - at heart. Read. Learn. Think for yourself. Do your homework. You MUST, you simply must or we're all'll be science fiction at its worst...& we're almost there folks. We're almost there.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


...I don't want to hear another word about the efficacy of Obama's new socialist regime.


...I had a great beach run; sat & watched the sunrise. I was feeling mellow x the time I returned to my truck. Then for some inexplicable reason I thought of Delaware & New York's voting results from Tuesday, which inevitably led me to Nancy Pelosi. In a moment - less than actually - I went from "wonderful morning" to that miserable, arrogant, ignorant bitch. 

Man, I gotta' let this stuff go...

Monday, September 13, 2010

An eMail from a (female) friend:


fuck it i still live in america; i can say what i want. Nancy pelosi is a danger to our way of life and our constitution. i would never shoot her - i would never shoot anyone but that doesn't mean i don't wish she were gone. what a nightmare she is. I resent the fact that she breathes." (sic)

Monday, September 6, 2010


...I almost clicked out of this, but I'm glad I didn't!
Stick it out to the end.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

eMail from a friend...

Read & remember that last line.

"...most people prefer to believe that their leaders are just and fair, even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once a citizen acknowledges that the government under which he lives is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or she will do about it. To take action in the face of corrupt government entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the critical thinker, but only to give moral cowards an excuse not to think at all."

Sunday 09.05

NYT headline:
"Democrats plan political triage to retain the House." 

An innocuous enough headline until you actually take the time to think it through. Those morons don't even give a passing thought to what is mandated x the voters - the people they actually work for (read: their bosses); the people whose will they are SUPPOSE to represent in their "job description." It's about staying on the gov't tit. They don't give a hoot about what may be right for the country - all they are about is keeping their jobs...& we don't even bat an eye when this kind of horseshit is jammed into our face. We are so use to being dismissed x the "Royals" that not even a murmur is to be I continue to bark at the moon.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010